Wednesday, November 25, 2009

She's Here!!!!!!

Well the big day finally arrived! I'll spare everybody the gory details- but I started going into labor Sunday morning at about 3:00am- went into the hospital at about 4:30am and Olivia was born at 9:41PM! She was a stubborn one- but obviously completely worth it. She was sunny side up and just did not want to come into the world without some hard work! After a day of labor pains- followed by 3 doses of pain medication- throwing up- followed by 3 doses of anti-nausea medication- and 2.5 hours of pushing- my doctor decided that a c-section was probably my best option. So Olivia was born at 9:41pm- weighed in at 7 lbs 1 oz- and measured at 20.5 inches long. I've included a few pictures- I have a million but didn't think that I should overload it on the first entry. Thank you to everybody who visited and for all of the congratulations!

1 comment:

  1. She looks perfect Sarah!!!
    Huge congratulations!
    Sorry Labor and Delivery was seems like for about two months you are like "I can't believe I did all that!!" and then one day you wake up and it's just this distant memory!!
    Have a fantastic Thanksgiving. :)
