Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We've Got Lots To Catch Up On...

My mommy has been really bad at keeping up with my blog. Don't be too hard on her though- I keep her super busy and she loves spending all of her time with me. I know it has been a couple of months since you have heard what is going on with me- so here are a few highlights. At my 6 month check up I was 27 inches and 18 pounds and a couple of days later my 2 bottom teeth poked through. About a week after that I decided it was time for me to sit up on my own and although I kept falling over a lot- I've finally got the hang of it. I'm not crawling- but I have discovered if I want to get somewhere all I have to do is roll. I roll across the room sometimes and it is funny to watch mommy chase after me. The last thing that I love to do- and I have been doing it a lot lately- is to wave to people. My mommy asks me to do it all of the time- so I do- I don't know what the big deal is but the people around me think that it is cute or something. Here are some pictures highlighting the past couple months of my life- Enjoy!
I'm 5 months old!

I love to read my books

Another baby cousin- Finnegan Anthony Bylander
Born on April 23

Mommy and me on Mother's Day

I'm liking my new look!

I'm 6 months old!

I think I look a little like a young Elton John here

I've just about mastered the art of sitting at a little over 6 months old

Can you believe my great grandma made this beautiful dress?
Kayle and Maddie wore it for their Baptisms and I got to wear it for mine.

What's wrong with Landon?!

Playdate with Carter, Sophie, Evan and Lila

Hey- Is Evan trying to unbutton my shirt?!

Ahhh.... how peaceful

I like to wave at everybody!

I'm 7 months old!!

I'm just waiting for the day when he can get me back

Read my shirt

I love playing with my big cousin Kaylie-
and Maddie too but she wouldn't take a picture with me

Maybe I will play tennis like my mommy and auntie
Wow that was a lot! I will bug my mommy to keep up with this blog and maybe she will listen to me.